What is Kundalini Yoga?


Kundalini Yoga is the science of changing and strengthening your radiance to give you an expanded life and greater capacity. It is a physical and meditative discipline that combines postures (kriyas), breath (pranayama) and the chanting of mantras. Kundalini energy refers to the personal energy or life force which lays dormant at the base of the spine. It is the nuclear energy of the soul; the inner identity of an individual. The aim of Kundalini yoga is to fully awaken this energy.

“The process of growth through Kundalini Yoga is a natural unfolding of your own nature. The blocks to that growth are your attachments to the familiarity of the past, and your fear of the expanded Self. As you practice Kundalini Yoga you will grow. Like a snake you will need to shed old skins to be more of who you are.” – Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini yoga has three characteristics:

1. Leverage – the power to change, to make a difference to our lives

2. Legacy – a complete integrity in its own structure

3. Lineage – a history and a line of transmission brought to us and from which we launch and share with others.

Simply put, Kundalini yoga allows you to fulfil your creative potential.